Journey to Forever

Please join me on my journey to Vietnam to receive my daughter Caily.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The great Crib adventure

So last night was our first night here.  Its stunning at night.  There are little tiki lights on the paths.  Its colder than I expeced though so I need to go into town to get a sweatshirt.  Caily is fine, I packed all her warm stuff.   Last night was a repeat performance of her Elvis Stoyko impressions – only this time she added a few new moves like the cheek pinch and face suck.   I had them bring a crib so I can put the sides up to be sure she doesn’t flip herself out.   She liked it – I think it was the challenge.  When she started piling pillows into the corner and climbing them I realized that she is most definitely my “payback” – right nana….  We negotiated and agreed I’d pushed up to the bed so she could keep jumping in and out of it.   When I woke up this morning she was snuggled into my arms so I think I know her preferred local.   She’s napping in it now – it seems perfect for that.


Ok – now its been three nights with the crib – someone once said, “you’ll think you have it figured out, then wham! It doesn’t work anymore…”  that’s so right.  Night two was a “nightmare” – she flailed around and didn’t settle until I cocooned her into the crib – she LOVES this.   All day yesterday she was crawling in and out of it… Last night she fell asleep for her 3pm nap at 6pm and I was so tired I decided to nap with her and deal with a midnight rendezvous if need be – well, she slept through until 7am with 3 bottles lined up in her crib for easy pickings.  She seems to like the freedom to get her bottle when she wants it – so be it… she woke me up today with a pat on the cheek and a big smile.


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