Journey to Forever

Please join me on my journey to Vietnam to receive my daughter Caily.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

update - end of April 16th

Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes.  My bday is one that will never be forgotten but also one that whizzed past…


So a few people asked me to tell them about Caily – its hard to put in writing but I’ll try.


She is perfect!  Lots of fun.  Absolutely not one problem at all.   Her nanny was wonderful – she has given me the most well behaved and happy child I could imagine.  I was all prepared for attachment issues and lots of screaming – what I’ve gotten is a huggy munchkin with lots of laughs.  Today we two naps and a swim + cab ride in her snuggie, then shopping in the sports district for tennis rackets and pool toys.   While I was helping her to kick her first soccer ball this Vietnamese women came over and asked if she was my daughter.  Of course I said yes. I didn’t expect her to say “I can tell – she has your eyes and your legs!!!”  ha ha ha… what a gift!!!


Signing off for another day.   Good night all and bless you  (mwa = big wet kisses from Caily)

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