Journey to Forever

Please join me on my journey to Vietnam to receive my daughter Caily.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

ok readers - heres a poll

How many of you give/gave your toddlers everything they wanted when they wailed?  What was the upshot?



1 comment:

  1. Before 6 months, you pretty much can't spoil them. Then there's a transition between 6 months and a year where you have to start saying no. By 1 year you need to be able to say no, and lay the pattern for the future. Doesn't mean never giving them what they want, but choosing when it's appropriate to do it or not, and knowing that giving in now is setting a precedent and you have to be ok with that. That being said, treat this as your transition time with Caily until you get back home. Then when you introduce her to her new home begin as you mena to go on.

