Journey to Forever

Please join me on my journey to Vietnam to receive my daughter Caily.

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18th - the day I learned the smell of formula - a la hot car -

Hi everyone,


Yesterday was an eventful day.  Caily had some cereal for dinner the night before and I didn’t realize it was full of sugar.  Oops!   Earlier in the day we learned the “popcorn dance” from the BNL Snacktime album.  Little did I know we’d be doing it well into the night… pop pop pop… flop flop flop…. As my brother would say “rookie mistake.”  Anyway she was up a bit late then we hung out for the morning.  I the afternoon I booked a tour guide and driver to take us all on a journey out of Hanoi to a rural village to see what life is like.   We went to town where they make beautiful hand carved furniture – called “Dong Key” (I remembered that one – duh) It was amazing to see all the women on their hands and knees carving intricate shapes into large and small pieces.   They all stopped and looked at us.  They laughed at Caily in her back pack.  The guide told me that “sing” is how you say beautiful so I was going around saying “sing, sing, sing” to the pieces and they all laughed histerically.  Apparently “sing” means “you are beautiful”, not “it is beautiful”.   Poor Caily, her dumb mother is embarrassing her already.  Ha ha ha.    Next we went to another village where they hand made pictures using traditional block and hand painting.   We then asked to go see a primary school in the village that was quite nice.   I had to laugh because it was gated with high walls – good for the boys to see.   I was going to suggest we leave them there for the day but the two of them were uncomfortable enough, I think this would have freaked them out totally.   They did manage to entertain themselves in the car by making faces at people following on motor bikes.  I thought it was hilarious but I don’t think Miranda agreed.  The highlight of their day was when one guy gave them the “ok” signal.   Or maybe it was when Caily honked all over my purse.  Ok – that was disgusting.  Its amazing what can come out of a baby???  Poor thing.  It was hot and she was doing her usual boogying in the car – I fed her & that was that… rookie mistake #2 of the day. 


The poor boys thought they would barf too – so we all ran up to the room and tossed Caily into the tub + they grabbed their bathing suits and took off – leaving me with a purse full of yuck and a laughing baby.   We finally got all cleaned up and wrestled into a nice clean outfit for dinner  - then FWAARP!  Here comes breakfast…  this one required the assistance of hotel housekeeping J   but ohhhh, did she feel better


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